Tips for Successful Youth Sports
4 Signs Your Kid Doesn't Want to Play Anymore

- Not Having Fun
Sports should be fun. Period. If your child is bored or frustrated consider switching to a different activity. It is common for young children to activity hop as they are still figuring out what they lIke. Even as kids grow older and start specializing in one sport, it's important to check in with them to make sure they're still having fun. Let your kiddo know you fully support them in their sport, but if they're not enjoying it anymore and want to try something else, you're open...
11 Questions to ask your Child about their Extracurricular Activities:
11 Questions to ask your Child about their Extracurricular Activities:
Are you having fun?
What do the coaches/leaders do to make it fun?
What do the coaches/leaders do to make it stressful?
How do you want our family to encourage/cheer for you? (Say nothing? Cheer for everyone?)
When do you want to talk about the activity/game with your family? (In the car ride home? What about at home? Or the next day?)
Read the article
10 Tips for Surviving Sports with a Sensory Sensitive Child
My son hated wearing shin guards for soccer. They were "itchy and irritating".
My son also hated wearing a hard protective athletic cup for baseball. He threw a fit before evey game and practice about wearing a cup, then he tugged at his crotch throughout the entire game.
My son refused to even try the game of football. Just looking at all that protective gear and personal contact with other kids made him cringe.
My son is a sensory sensitive kid.